40 Days or 40 Years?

By Van Moody When we think about how God leads us through the process of spiritual and...

Take The Day Off

by Robert Morris What was I going to do? I opened my underwear drawer, and there was only one...

Betrayed, But Not Alone

They were the darkest days of His life, and He was alone. The men He had spent the last three years of...

Coping With Critics

by Bill Purvis As long as you catch more than one crab, you don’t need a lid for your...

Grace, Porn and the Church

When those who struggle with sexual sin grab hold of the grace of God, it changes their lives. Let’s take a look at this...

Depression Doesn’t Have to Be a Dirty Word

In our popular culture, depression is deemed a dirty word.  Many of us are ashamed to acknowledge to ourselves and to others...

A 12-Step Biblical Approach To Wealth

Rabbi Daniel Lapin is an orthodox Jewish Rabbi, who shares wealth building principles directly from the Bible. He...

Millenials: An Underdeveloped Generation

By Jason Jimenez Millennials think and feel differently than previous generations. Their behaviors, buying habits, and brand...

Freedom from Resentment through Forgiveness

Another benefit of forgiveness is freedom from resentment. Indeed, resentment offers us nothing good. A life free from resentment is a life to be envied. For...

Discovering Your Life Purpose

by Barbara Wentroble I still remember a song that was popular many years ago. Doris Day sang, “Que Sera,...

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God’s Love for the Unlovable The Power of Shame 

As bad and as powerful as guilt feels, shame is much worse. Unlike guilt, shame is less offense and more self-focused. Shame wonders if I...

God’s Love for the Unlovable The Island of Misfit Toys

Do you remember the Rudolf Christmas TV special that included the island of misfit toys? I do. I related to them, a...

God’s Love for the Unlovable Are We Doing Something Wrong? Pt 4

In the three previous “Are We Doing Something Wrong” articles, I suggested that the biggest problem that the church has today (and I know there are...