3 Multisite Realities You Have to See to Believe


by Pastor Stuart Hodges

To say that I’m committed to multisite as the most effective and efficient means of advancing the mission of the church would be an understatement. Since 2011, we’ve launched a campus a year and are excited about launching more in the future. Opening campuses closer to where people live and work fuels a consistent conversation about the vision of our church and the mission we are on. But I have to admit, for me, seeing was believing.

In 2010, as we prepared to become one church in two locations, I spent a day with the Multisite Guru himself, Jim Tomberlin (multisitesolutions.com). Jim has coached countless churches through the process of becoming multisite and he began our time together with a very emphatic conversation about multisite realities. As I listened, I found myself wondering: Are these principles transferable? Does this really apply to me and my church? Are these realities true? I even began to dismiss his experience based on my perceptions. But now, I’ve seen it and I believe it. Here are 3 multisite realities that I had to see to believe:

Video Teaching Works. I asked the same questions you’re probably asking: Will people really come to church to watch a preacher on a screen? Will they respond to video teaching? Will people leave by the masses because of this new method of delivery? The reality I’ve seen and now believe is that video teaching works! In fact, at our Easter services this year the percentage of people who publicly responded to the invitation was greater on the campuses watching via video than live, in-person preaching.

The Campus Pastor Is The Key. When we launched our first campus in 2011, we did it without a campus pastor. Needless to say, we haven’t made that mistake again. The right campus pastor is critical to the success of your multisite strategy. They champion the multisite approach, carry the vision and the DNA of the church to their individual campus, and provide the care and connectedness that makes multisite so incredibly effective.

Multisite Changes EVERYTHING! I thought the same thing you’re thinking: that’s an exaggeration!

But I’ve seen it and I believe it – EVERYTHING changes with multisite. From preaching to communications, HR to security protocol, website design to assimilation strategies, get ready to work hard and initiate change when you embrace the multisite model.

We’re four years and five campuses into multisite. It’s been the best ministry decision we’ve ever made and all I can say is that you have to see it to believe it.

Stuart Hodges is the Founder and Lead Pastor of Waters Edge Church. Passionate, Creative, Focused, Driven to Excellence, Visionary, Real… those are just a few words that best describe Stu… His passion to reach people who are distant from God and disconnected from church drives him to push the envelope in his communication, in his leadership, and in his life.

Stu teaches from the Bible every week. He uses stories from his life and from our culture to make it practical, teaching important truths with energy. Sit under his teaching and you’ll leave challenged to live the Word out in your everyday life! To learn more or to visit Waters Edge, visit: www.watersedgechurch.net