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40 Days or 40 Years?

By Van Moody When we think about how God leads us through the process of spiritual and personal growth, which certainly includes getting us firmly established in our identity, the three words we need to know are:...

The Big Shift

By Ron Luce Imagine that you lived your whole life in a remote village in the jungles of Ecuador. You have never seen a car, a stove, a refrigerator, a doctor, a skyscraper, an airplane (close up) or...

Beating Bipolar

by Jarrod Jones In 2004, I was diagnosed with Bi-Polar II Disorder. This disorder is more clinically depressive in nature with minor ...

Spiritual Leadership In Church Growth

by Pastor Shane Warren Biblical discipleship has become a catch-phrase in the modern evangelical movement; unfortunately, in most instances a catch-phrase is all that it has become! Amid our varied definitions and...

Jesus: The First Victim of Identity Theft

by Ron Cantor “Don’t you ever say that you used to be Jewish! You are still Jewish and always will be!” Like an Old Testament prophet, complete with honey finger in my face, Zeva, an Israeli believer rebuked...

He Does All Things Well

by Evangelist Donna Schambach When a general of the faith like R.W. Schambach is called to his reward, there is always a lot of speculation and talk of “mantles.” It was no different in my circles when Dad...

The Race

by Pastor Andy Thompson “Let us Run with Perseverance the Race marked out for us, keeping our eyes on Jesus, that Author and Perfecter of our Faith…” During the Olympics games, I often find...

The Call of the Gospel

Everyone who desires to be a follower of Christ and seeks to join a Christian church does so because of the good messages heard concerning Jesus from the Scriptures.Like you, others may have heard the good news about Jesus and the love of...


Each of us has ministry hopes and dreams that God has implanted within us, all-consuming passions that motivate us to press on. It’s the power of these visions that sustain us through our journey of faith. Like me, you may have God-given...

The Fear of the Lord

The fear of the Lord is a deep reverence for Him. It implies that when we fear Him we will prostrate ourselves before Him, surrendering our power and will, and becoming vulnerable with a humble heart. Simply put, when we fear God...

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God’s Love for the Unlovable The Power of Shame 

As bad and as powerful as guilt feels, shame is much worse. Unlike guilt, shame is less offense and more self-focused. Shame wonders if I...

God’s Love for the Unlovable The Island of Misfit Toys

Do you remember the Rudolf Christmas TV special that included the island of misfit toys? I do. I related to them, a...

God’s Love for the Unlovable Are We Doing Something Wrong? Pt 4

In the three previous “Are We Doing Something Wrong” articles, I suggested that the biggest problem that the church has today (and I know there are...