Jesus Will Work It Out…or Will He?


Whew, the last 18 months have been like a roller coaster ride for me. Yet, my faith has never been stronger. I’ve never been more determined. I have grown in my love for God and people. I’m still working on some other stuff, but we’ll talk about that another time.

If you’re in a rough season of life, God is not mad at you. (Well maybe a little… Just kidding! LOL). As a matter of fact, God loves you so much, He has already supplied all of your needs according to His riches in glory.

Even in this recession there is no need to fear. Let go of confusion and ask God for clarity and peace of mind. We can’t let ourselves be deceived. Yes, churches, politics, business… everything around us is changing. Some of it is good, and some of it not so good. Regardless, we need to make some personal changes. Ghandi said, “You must be the change you want to see in the world.”

So many times we say we’re waiting on God. Could it be that God is waiting on us? Could it be that we can’t let go of our past. Maybe we haven’t learned how to forgive someone else or even ourselves. Are we holding on to a bad plan and believing God to bless something that was never His plan in the first place? Are we still living in pain and haven’t sought the help we need to begin the process of healing?

What God may be doing is trying to get us to realize that we are imperfect people in an imperfect world. We make mistakes. We blow it BIG TIME. We have all been guilty of living our lives based on our dysfunctions.

That’s why it’s so important that we find our true identity through who God says we are and not through our culture, a bad childhood, or constantly berating yourself. You are fearfully and wonderfully made.

So to get unstuck, you must get refreshed, get focused, and let your mind be transformed. Develop the skills you need to bring overflow into your life.

You see God gave us incredible bra- in power and access to His great power. Our God-given human mind has developed some pretty amazing inventions: the iPod, computers, planes, trains and automobiles, phones, electricity…

We have the God given ability to solve problems. “Jesus will work it out!” is a good song, but some things He is not going to work out for you. He gave you the power to work it out.

How? By making right decisions, personally developing, learning and growing. Then and only then can we have true prosperity. Blessed… to be a blessing!

You already have faith. But faith alone is not enough for a turnaround in every situation. We must also ask God for wisdom. We must learn and then grow from our experiences. Faith without works is dead.

So we must also be strong in the Lord and actively press toward the prize (which means taking action) instead of constantly procrastinating or living in fear.

I believe in miracles. I believe God loves me. But I also know that we still have some tough decisions to make in the days ahead. Some things we need to hold on to… other things, we’ve got to let it go. God Himself will make you and me strong, firm and steadfast.

So from my heart to your home, I pray the days ahead for you will be filled with renewed purpose, open doors and supernatural breakthroughs!

Remember, you are an OVER-COMER! The REINVENTION Continues…

You matter, 2

Or Will He?