#Driven from Juvenile Delinquent to History Maker


Corey Minor Smith is a history maker of today – a lady with an amazing story. Les Browns says “She is a woman who has a story the world needs to hear!”

Corey Minor Smith was born to a single mom, who had a severe mental illness. During her school years, Corey attended 14 different schools and lived in 8 different homes. She became a juvenile delinquent and was on her way to a bad end when she was taken in by her paternal grandmother and raised as her own. Her grandmother instilled a new level of Christian faith and possibilities in Corey. Corey went to college, graduate school and law school – passing the bar on her first try! She has become a successful lawyer, wife, and mother.

Most recently, Corey made history as the first African American elected to an at large seat on the City Council in Canton, OH.

Her new book, #Driven, she tells of going from a JD (Juvenile Delinquent) to a JD (Juris Doctorate) to a History Maker of Today!

Here are 5 points Corey Minor Smith shares that helped her transform her life:

  1. Have Faith – Trust and rely on God; then move on your faith! Faith with action can create powerful results!
  2. Have Ongoing Motivation – Listen and read information constantly to keep you inspired and ready to keep fighting for your dreams!
  3. Be Determined – Feed the internal inferno (fire) inside of yourself by staying focused on your goals and why it is critical to achieving them.
  4. Preparation – Prepare yourself for the opportunity before you need it. And then prepare for what you are asking for.
  5. Take action – We all wish and daydream, but nothing happens until you take action! Action helps turn the dream into reality!
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Dr. Willie Jolley has achieved remarkable heights in the speaking industry, having come from humble beginnings of being a fired singer, who was replaced by a karaoke machine! He has gone on to be named “One of the Outstanding Five Speakers in the World” by the 175,000 members of Toastmasters International. He has also been inducted into the prestigious Speaker Hall of Fame as well as achieving the distinction of Certified Speaker Professional by the National Speakers Association. In 2012 he was the recipient of the Ron Brown Distinguished Leadership Award. In 2013 he was named, “One of the Top 5 Leadership Speakers” by Speaking.com and Business Leader of The Year by The African American Chambers of Commerce. Dr. Willie Jolley uses his public platform to pursue his mission of empowering and encouraging people to rise above their circumstances and maximize their God given potential! Many know him as the speaker Ford Motors called on in 2006 when they were on the brink of bankruptcy, and he worked with them in 2006, 2007 and 2008 and in 2009 they were able to reject a government bailout and go on to Billion Dollar profits. No matter the venue, from his exciting television appearances to his Sirius/XM radio show, to corporate audiences like Wal-Mart, GM, Comcast, Verizon, Marriott or The Million Dollar Round Table … Dr. Willie Jolley keeps it moving with high energy and enthusiasm, as he delivers nuggets on how every person can live a better life, one day at a time! Dr. Willie Jolley is the author of several international best-selling books including It Only Takes A Minute To Change Your Life, A Setback Is A Setup For A Comeback, Turn Setbacks Into Greenbacks and An Attitude of Excellence, which was endorsed by Dr. Stephen Covey. Dr. Jolley holds a Doctorate of Ministry Degree in Faith Driven Achievement from the California Graduate School of Theology, a Master Degree in Theology from Wesley Theological seminary and a B.A. in Psychology and Sociology from The American University.