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Tag: fear

5 Truths to Defeat the Fear of “NOT DOING ENOUGH”

By Kyle Winkler “You’re not doing enough!” Ever hear that nagging notion? I have. In fact, I admit that I’m often at battle with a voice that blares: “You’re not productive...

The Interruptions Aren’t Interruptions

by Pastor Greg Atkinson I’m willing to bet as soon as you read the above headline, you said, “Oh, really? What about the sermons I have to write, the hospitals I have to make and the thousand other...


You were not created to fear anything: Jeremiah 1:8 “Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will res- cue you, declares the LORD.” What are you afraid of? This is a very broad question,...

The Fear of the Lord

The fear of the Lord is a deep reverence for Him. It implies that when we fear Him we will prostrate ourselves before Him, surrendering our power and will, and becoming vulnerable with a humble heart. Simply put, when we fear God...

Overcoming Obstacles

The race we run is filled with hills and valleys.  It is not a straight or flat road, but one that is filled with obstacles. Romans 8:37 tells us that “we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus”.  But sometimes, when we...

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God’s Love for the Unlovable The Power of Shame 

As bad and as powerful as guilt feels, shame is much worse. Unlike guilt, shame is less offense and more self-focused. Shame wonders if I...

God’s Love for the Unlovable The Island of Misfit Toys

Do you remember the Rudolf Christmas TV special that included the island of misfit toys? I do. I related to them, a...

God’s Love for the Unlovable Are We Doing Something Wrong? Pt 4

In the three previous “Are We Doing Something Wrong” articles, I suggested that the biggest problem that the church has today (and I know there are...