So, we are looking at what makes an ideal woman in the Bible. We have to cut through so much of the garbage that seeps in from our own culture. Though many strides forward have been made, we unfortunately remain patriarchal. 

The Bible has also been criticized as being patriarchal. Though there is misogynistic imagery, the message to women is strikingly honoring. I will show you more. 

Remember, the Bible was written from within a very patriarchal culture. It used the language of course, but did not justify it. In fact, just to use an example, the way the Song of Songs sees women is very powerful and sophisticated. We ‘woke’ moderns can learn a lot. Here is what one commentator said about the Song of Songs.

“The relationship between the man and the woman is, in the first place, a reciprocal relationship one of mutuality and equal participation. The man relates as a man and the woman as a woman, with each belonging to and desiring the other…Each addresses the other, delights in the other and in his or her love…Each takes the initiative and goes out to the other…The man and the woman delight in the attractiveness of the other. Each one claims that the other is beautiful…The man admires the beauty of the woman in a way which points to her distinctive female features. Likewise, the woman admires the man in a way which delights in his maleness.  There is no sense of domination of one by the other, no suggestion of priority or of one being the initiator more than the other. There is an equal partnership in this relationship of love…The relationship between the man and the woman [in the Song] then is one where each participates, equally and mutually as a man or as a woman, toward the other…No note of priority or subordination intrudes, except as each is subordinate to the other in love.”

Now that’s what I’m talking about. If you want to dig into the Song more, check out my podcast Gospel Rant. I am currently going through the Song of Songs. It will thrill you. The Song of Songs is perhaps the greatest gospel presentation in the Old Testament. It is by far the greatest presentation of the gospel for women. Enjoy. Dance a little. It’s OK.

So briefly, what are the traits of Ideal womanhood in Scripture—Or reflections of the Holy Spirit through women–  

Radical Super-human Faith in the Lord– Think Hebrew Midwives in Egypt, Contra Lot’s Daughters.  Eve.  Mary– “May it be to me as you have said.” (Lk 1:38)

Willingness to give up illusions of control and security– Think  Moses’ Mom, Deborah, Contra Rebeccah, Jezebel

Willingness to prioritize others- Tsaddiqah– Weighing the needs of her community and neighbors over her own (Hebrew righteousness: ‘tsaddiqah’), Prov 31 Woman versus Proverb 7 adulteress.  

Willingness– through labor to bring ‘Life’ to community- Think Mary, Eve, Samuel’s mom.  

Willingness to willing to lay aside her rightful intrinsic glory – Think Deborah, Ruth.  

Shrewdness- Wisdom and cunning to defeat/overcome the enemies of God and His people.  Rahab, Jael, Esther, Egyptian Midwives.  In some cases cunning even requires deceit. Don’t shoot me, I am just the messenger.

Remarkable Sensitivity to the Presence of God- Contrast Mary with Zechariah, Zipporah

By the way, these seven traits all look good on men as well. But time and time again, it is the women who seem to have the bulk of them. Christ had them all.  

Take heart, child of God.

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Dr. Bill Senyard is one of the popular new teachers at LifestreamTV. His show, God’s Love for the Unlovable can be seen on multiple channels, including Women’s, Drug Free, Lifestream TV, Church Network and Men’s. He is writing a new book on overlooked and underappreciated women of the Old Testament. The tentative title is “Dance, Daughters of the Most High!” It will be a fun and important read. If you want to know when it will be published, contact him at, [email protected]. Also, check out his website, for more resources, videos, programs, books, and bookmarks, many free. He is the creator of the wonderful free online resource for frustrated parents of teens and tweens, Good Enough Parent ( Follow him on Facebook (