How To Set Your Team On Fire


Eric Chester is a trusted source in the global dialogue on employee engagement, workplace culture, and the emerging generation. He is a member of the Speakers Hall of Fame and has been one of the world’s most successful professional speakers for almost 30 years.

He was one of the first authors to spell out the radical differences of the post-Gen X workforce in his 2002 bestseller, Employing Generation Why: Understanding, Managing, and Motivating Your New Workforce.

Companies discovered that Eric had cracked the code on the emerging generation and sought his advice on how to connect with young employees.  He became one of North America’s most in-demand conference keynote speakers.

Hearing the outcry from America’s employers, Eric turned his attention to building a better workforce. He founded The Center for Work Ethic Development, and created a revolutionary curriculum to teach young adults vital employability skills.

He wrote the breakthrough book for youth, Bring Your A Game to Work: The 7 Fundamental Values That Will Make Every Employer Want to Hire You and Fight to Keep You! His curriculum has since been expanded to include soft skills employability training for college students, returning military veterans and adults. It is taught in hundreds of schools, workforce centers, community colleges and trade schools.

Eric’s new book, On Fire at Work: How Great Companies Ignite Passion in Their People without Burning Them Out, released in October 2015, is on track towards being the best he’s ever written.

As a speaker, Eric Chester holds the prestigious CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) credential awarded by the National Speakers Association. He is a 2004 inductee into the CPAE (Council of Peers Award of Excellence) International Professional Speakers Hall of Fame—an honor shared by less than 5% of all professional speakers in the world.

In this powerful interview, Eric Chester shared these incredible ideas and insights:

  • The marketplace does not care about how much money YOU want to make, rather the value you bring to the marketplace
  • The American dream is alive, but so is the American nightmare, which is not living the dream that is available to you because of fear
  • Learn from bad decisions, both yours and others
  • Always continue to learn and grow…school is never out for the real professional.
  • Learn from every challenge and every problem. Don’t waste those learning opportunities.
  • To grow your business you need to get your front line to care about your bottom line.
  • Winners are resilient and keep fighting, when the odds are stacked against them.
  • Old school thinking is to build the business on the backs of your employees.  New school thinking is to grow your people and your people will grow your customer base.
  • Wealthy people always think about streams of income, and the importance of creating multiple streams.
  • Always look for additional ways that you can use your expertise and skills to grow your wealth.
  • Make a commitment to excellence. Get good at what you do, really good.  Then monetize it.
  • Success in life and business take work!  So make the commitment to keep working on your dreams!
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Dr. Willie Jolley has achieved remarkable heights in the speaking industry, having come from humble beginnings of being a fired singer, who was replaced by a karaoke machine! He has gone on to be named “One of the Outstanding Five Speakers in the World” by the 175,000 members of Toastmasters International. He has also been inducted into the prestigious Speaker Hall of Fame as well as achieving the distinction of Certified Speaker Professional by the National Speakers Association. In 2012 he was the recipient of the Ron Brown Distinguished Leadership Award. In 2013 he was named, “One of the Top 5 Leadership Speakers” by and Business Leader of The Year by The African American Chambers of Commerce. Dr. Willie Jolley uses his public platform to pursue his mission of empowering and encouraging people to rise above their circumstances and maximize their God given potential! Many know him as the speaker Ford Motors called on in 2006 when they were on the brink of bankruptcy, and he worked with them in 2006, 2007 and 2008 and in 2009 they were able to reject a government bailout and go on to Billion Dollar profits. No matter the venue, from his exciting television appearances to his Sirius/XM radio show, to corporate audiences like Wal-Mart, GM, Comcast, Verizon, Marriott or The Million Dollar Round Table … Dr. Willie Jolley keeps it moving with high energy and enthusiasm, as he delivers nuggets on how every person can live a better life, one day at a time! Dr. Willie Jolley is the author of several international best-selling books including It Only Takes A Minute To Change Your Life, A Setback Is A Setup For A Comeback, Turn Setbacks Into Greenbacks and An Attitude of Excellence, which was endorsed by Dr. Stephen Covey. Dr. Jolley holds a Doctorate of Ministry Degree in Faith Driven Achievement from the California Graduate School of Theology, a Master Degree in Theology from Wesley Theological seminary and a B.A. in Psychology and Sociology from The American University.