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What DNA Gifts are You Ignoring?

by Perry Stone In my family lineage, especially from my mother’s line, there are three evident gifts that have been persistent in four consecutive generations. These generational gifts have been tapped into and used for the propagation of the...

Leading Those More Gifted Than Yourself

by Bill Burnett A few years ago I was invited to golf with Tiger Woods’ first golf coach, Rudy Duran. I was more than giddy and didn’t mind the six hour journey to meet...

Gifts Given To The Body Of Christ

by Dr. Gloria Williams What would you consider a really good gift? The ultimate as a really good gift to me would be something bodacious enough to stand alone as one...

Five Ministry Gifts in the Church Today

by Pastor Amir Khan “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up,” Ephesians 4:11-12...

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God’s Love for the Unlovable The Power of Shame 

As bad and as powerful as guilt feels, shame is much worse. Unlike guilt, shame is less offense and more self-focused. Shame wonders if I...

God’s Love for the Unlovable The Island of Misfit Toys

Do you remember the Rudolf Christmas TV special that included the island of misfit toys? I do. I related to them, a...

God’s Love for the Unlovable Are We Doing Something Wrong? Pt 4

In the three previous “Are We Doing Something Wrong” articles, I suggested that the biggest problem that the church has today (and I know there are...