Rheumatoid Arthritis Prevention


Keeping your body healthy can help prevent the onset of rheumatoid arthritis and, luckily, there are several ways that you can strive to avoid this disease.

One method is to keep your vitamin D levels within the ideal range — between 60 and 80 ng/ml. A 2012 Endocrinology and Metabolism article revealed that depleted vitamin D levels may raise your RA risk or worsen the condition. Vitamin D stimulates 200 to 300 antimicrobial peptides that may assist with proper immune system function and combat infections, possibly even more efficiently  than antibiotics.

Stepping out daily to receive adequate sun exposure is the best tactic to improve your vitamin D levels. Constant exposure to UV light like UVB may be helpful in boosting mood and energy levels and stimulating nitric oxide (NO) production, which may benefit the cardiovascular system.

If you don’t live in an area with abundant sunlight, taking a vitamin D3 supplement, complemented with magnesium and vitamin K2, is another good option. To know your current vitamin D levels and see whether or not you fall within the recommended threshold, you can use Grassroots Health’s D*Action Measurement kit, which measures your body’s levels of this all-important vitamin.

These Anti-Inflammatory Methods May Help RA Patients

Another tactic to help prevent RA is increasing your intake of potent anti-inflammatories like krill oil. More effective than fish oil, krill oil has anti-inflammatory properties that may help relieve pain and promote improved joint health.

Taking an antioxidant like astaxanthin can also be useful in preventing RA, as it can help address inflammation. This antioxidant may also help fight fatigue  after a workout and assist with promoting better endurance.

If you plan on taking an astaxanthin supplement, a 4 milligram daily dose is a good starting point, and you can increase your dose so it reaches 8 milligrams daily. If you’re an athlete or experience chronic inflammation, you can further raise your astaxanthin dose. Ensure that you consume a small amount of healthy fat from sources like grass fed butter, coconut oil, MCT oil or organic eggs alongside the astaxanthin supplement.

Leading an active lifestyle and incorporating exercise may also help slow down the development of rheumatoid arthritis and assist in reducing the pain that comes with it., However, not all exercises are effective. If you’re not sure where to begin, try mild exercises such as walking, stretching, yoga or tai chi first.